In a perfect world, all patients would have insurance coverage, and insurers would be easy to work with. Sadly, we do not live in such a world and patients often lack insurance due to a lapse in coverage to pay for their office visit and medical treatment. Billing patients directly can be challenging and frustrating for your staff, requiring not just time and attention removed from immediate duties, but adding stress to their positions. We can help.

Our patient accounts receivables service allows your team to do what they do best – delivering compassionate care for patients – while we handle patient billing. We offer a team of trained professionals who can contact patients by phone in the case of terminated coverage or for benefits coordination. We also guarantee live representation – we never use automated systems to answer patient questions.

In addition, we understand how much time is spent weekly by your team answering patient questions about billing. That’s time that could be better spent working with patients in need of care. We offer a toll-free HealthQuist phone number for patients who have questions about statements and billings to free your staff to better focus on improved patient outcomes and reduce time spent. It’s about automating the mundane while still ensuring that patients with questions get the timely, accurate answers they require.